Just a Cold

I’m miserable this week. And it’s making me happy. I’m coughing up gunk, sneezing, even slightly nauseous, and I’m still on top of the world. Why? Because it’s just a cold. It started on Saturday with a sore throat, and I am already starting to feel better. I can still walk my dog, I am still cooking and cleaning and taking care of my family, I missed only one day of work, and I can treat it with simple supplements, cough drops, and a warm bath or sauna (which I luckily have in the house because I used it to treat my Lyme disease). It is not a relapse which I feared might be coming on (as they have every year until this) at the start of December. I had the classic signs (nightly sweats, increasing fatigue days) but began a new set of supplements and seem to have staved it off. The supplements come straight out of the Burrascano guidelines, and include high quality fish oil, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B, CoQ10, and a few specialty supplements suggested by my Naturopath. While on them (until this week) I didn’t even get a cold as my family cycled through more than one. And the relapse signs faded. So, pill popper I am not (by preference) but I’ll keep taking these!

I remember the days and days of being grateful for feeling well when I first came out of the worst of my Lyme disease (which I re-experience after each relapse), but today I am grateful for feeling lousy! And laughing at the very idea that a cold is a reason to give thanks.

One thought on “Just a Cold

  1. Hi. I have been reading your blog and want to contact you with some questions and some information on the Lyme/Mold connection, I am also in Pittsburgh. I can’t seem to find your e-mail address on the blog in order to get in touch with you.

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